Weighted average & Life balance
When learning about Weighted average in MGMAT Quantitative book I realize what the weighted average formula and an balanced & meaningful...
When learning about Weighted average in MGMAT Quantitative book I realize what the weighted average formula and an balanced & meaningful...
There come times I feel stuck in my own life. Then I exert an effort to find the true meanings of things I do and constantly QC check if...
It’s a tranquil sunny saturday morning in Saigon. I walk to work with a heavy heart. I know it’s the cold inside of me that excludes me...
I am 24 now. I have been working for 2 years but now I have come to realization that I am not wholeheartedly love what I am doing. I am...
This quote just fits me right now. I know this bad working experience is gonna end. I'll surely put an end to all this. But I would not...
During my schooling, I acquired a fine sense of calmness and utmost diligence. I was raised to comform to school's rules and parents'...
Have you ever wondered, how we define "being valuable" could shape our attitude towards this entire life? I will begin with this - the...
Today, I just decide to take on photography as a partime hobby, or to be more exact, a partime good deed. This decision is made after my...
This afternoon I just read a short notice about the recent Met Gala 2019. I could easily notice from most of the gowns at the gala that...
You love someone for who she is or for who you would like her to be? Don't tell me it's because of love that you go to great lengths to...
I was supposed to learn English tonight. But the advertising staff called me and asked for my feedback on the artwork. I rejected their...
We act more irrationally than we might think. We push ourselves to make everything fit on a small screen for a long time - writing...
Have you ever been tired out, longing for sleeping a wink but still couldn’t get to sleep? ‘Cuz all the chaos is now busy stirring up the...
People say it’s blue but I don’t think so. Imagine painting a picture of sorrow, it could be any thing like a red of passionate blood -...
Last night I watched this movie again. It makes me wonder: Life is short. Why people keep missing out on each other. Why some even end up...