When learning about Weighted average in MGMAT Quantitative book I realize what the weighted average formula and an balanced & meaningful life share in common.

To illustrate the balance:

We all wish to lead a meaningful life in which we could be through with all the expected exprience with expected people and things. But on several occasions we realize that we fail to achieve such an expected way of living.
But I think we could improve our life a great deal by identifying our own "life weighted average".
1. Calculate our own weighted average. The inputs x are the values we treasure. The inputs w are the level of importance. This task is the most important one because it requires us to be honest and frank enough with ourselves in order to figure out inputs that exactly reflect our innermost.
2. Each day is a piece that contributes to building a whole balanced life. So we should maintain the weighted average daily to make sure the whole life is well balanced. This is done by keeping the x values and w importance levels consistently.
3. In reality, there comes times of imbalance as we fail to maintain the x and w. It's completely okay as long as after the turbulent time we make an attempt to revise the inputs to make sure the output is the same as before.
4. Don't ignore the small w level of importance. Though they are small, they are often what make life intact and abundant with varied experience.
5. If one day the output of weighted average formula turns out to be far from the original but we still feel HAPPY about the new average, it's time to renew the "life weighted average". After all, time changes and people change so we are allowed to change our "life weighted average".