We act more irrationally than we might think.
We push ourselves to make everything fit on a small screen for a long time - writing complicated emails, sketching ideas, typing feedback on slides,...
And we think we are saving time by making use of that compact smartphone.
And we seem to be willing to suffer, a bit. The eyes suffer. The fingers suffer. The keyboard suffers. All are trying to convey things as much as possible against a super limited space. But it's ok. It's better than opening up a laptop, which may count as slowing down a bit.
We never think that we could benefit from opening up the laptop and then take time to complete all the tasks with due convenience.
The advertisers of smartphone make us to believe that we can save a great deal of time using their products. And they educate that belief thru advertising tatics and keep us posted thru numerous upgraded tech and design. They repeat their commercials all day & night to inject that belief into our mind for as long as possible.
And then we try our best to make those advertisers' promises come true.
We force our minds into believing in claims that seem to be scientifically supported. We're proud that we make purchase decisions so rationally & sensibly.
But actually, we are not even aware that we are irrational right at the beginning. We are manipulated and then, manipulate ourselves.
