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English Collocations in Use (P7)

Writer: Coco TracieCoco Tracie



A pack of dogs/wolves

A herd if cattle/elephant

A swarm of bees

A flock of birds/sheep

A pride of lions

A shoal of fish/sardines

A school of dolphins/whales

A tribe of monkey


*flurry - a sudden short period of sth

1/ A flurry of snow/leaves (moved by sudden gusts of wind)

=> The city is shivering under a rare flurry of snow

=> A sharp gust of wind sent a flurry of powder everywhere, the cold causing her to snap back to reality and start walking

=> Until that moment, Howard stood unmoving, seemingly impervious to the sub-freezing wind and occasional flurries of snow

2/ A sudden short period of activity/interest/excitement

=> On the other side, a flurry of diplomatic activity between Russia and China in recent months continues to

3/ Verb: be moved in small swirling masses by sudden gusts of wind.

=> I looked back up, and saw that it was the first snow of the year was flurrying

*flicker - a brief expression of emotion

1/ The flicker of a candle flame caught our eyes

2/ The flicker of an eyelid

3/ I didn't detect even a flicker of emotion in his cold eyes

A flicker of smile passes across her face

A flicker of hope/interest

4/ Verb:

=> Amusement flickered briefly in his eyes

=> The candle fire flickered and the shadows danced in the room

=> The flame flickered, casting an amber glow over the room and coating it in warmth

=> The music sways like a candle flame flickering in the breeze; it can fade, almost dying altogether, then it suddenly soars high and true

=> The flame flickered and then burnt fiercely, casting a warm yellow light over the small study

*glimmer - a faint indication of sth

1/ A glimmer of hope for the future

2/ A glimmer of light flickered in front of him like a faint dying star, but this star didn't wink out of existence

*touch - a small amount of sth

There was a touch of sadness in her voice as she told us the news

A touch of humor/irony

A touch of class = sophistication

*gamut - the entire range of sth

=> I've experienced the whole gamut of emotions from joy to sorrow

=> This underlines the new Government's commitment to a whole gamut of policies that would take care of agriculture and the concerns of farmers as well as other poorer and weaker sections.

=> The opinions ranged the gamut, from panic to indifference, many with steadfastness and underlying optimism.

=> Her face could register the gamut of human emotions without ever fully revealing her inner nature.

*A stroke of - a bit of

Inviting Jose to join our project, team was a strike of a genius

A stroke of luck

He never does a stroke of work


A hunk of bread/cheese/meat

A bed of rice

A knob of butter

A (generous) dollop of cream

A drop of brandy

A dash of cream

A sprinkling of cinamon

From "English Collocations in Use - Advanced" by Cambridge University Press


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