The two towns bear very little resemblance to each other
...entirely different
This is in marked contrast to ...
There is a wide variation in the cost of accomodation in the two towns.
There is also a world of difference in the entertainment on offer in the two places
There is a clear distinction between the types of people who live in each place
There is a yawning gap between what the cinemas show
...and those are much more to Emily's taste
The options for eating out also differ widely
Belville is the exact opposite
Alton & Belville are in many aspects polar opposites
Two strikingly different places

Wow that's a bit of a change! Your salary as a teacher surely doesn't bear comparison with what you got as an investment banker.
=> not bear comparison with: can't be compared
But in other respects teaching compares very favourably with banking
=> compare favourably with
I find it very personally rewarding - the financial advantages of banking pale in comparison
=> pale in comparison: seem unimportant
So, what appeals to you so much about teaching?
Teachers tend children in much the same way as gardener tend flowers
Strike the balance between being firm and being friendly
=> strike the balance between
You can never bridge the gap between pupil and teacher
=> bridge the gap between
There is a subtle difference between being friendly and being weak
Despite the growing disparity between what I earn now and the salaries of my ex-colleagues still at the bank
From "English Collocations in Use - Advanced" by Cambridge University Press