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English Collocations in Use (P2)

Writer: Coco TracieCoco Tracie

Updated: Sep 17, 2018



I had a nasty shock when Jane came home yesterday with a black eye: unpleasant, annoying

Billy hit his sister in a fit of jealousy

I am sick with worry/worried sick when Roise goes out on her motorbike

Josh has come up with another harebrained scheme to make money. It will no doubt fail, just like the last one: empty-headed, ill-judged, ill-thought-out, brainless

His teacher's unkind remarks have shattered Tom's confidence

I took exception to my mother-in-law unfair comments: strongly object to

The thought of having visitors to stay for a whole month fills me with dread

The little boy gave vent to his frustration by scribbling all over the wall

I tried to persuade her but in the end I had to admit defeat

If you bottle up your feelings, you will onlu increase your stress levels


There was an outpouring of grief this morning when the death of King Alexander was announced. The country is still in a state of shock after his wife, Queen Dorina, died suddenly last month and there is a feeling that the King's own inconsolable grief may have hastened his death. There is now a threat of civil war hanging over the country as much of the population has an intense dislike of the King's eldest son.


Many reporters are today criticizing the President of Grammaria for a lapse of judgement with regard to the disparaging remarks he made in a public speech yesterday about the goverment of Vocabulia. His comments have fuelled fears that Vocabulia may retaliate with more than just words. Sources close to the President of Vocabulia said last night that their country has long experience of suffering rough treatment at the hands of grammaria and that they had been left with little alternative but to take decisive action to put an end to President Tense's habit of hurling insults at them. Taking a further sideswipe at Vocabulia this morning in an interview with morning television, President Tense said that it was a laughable idea that a disorganised country like Vocabulia could pose a threat of any real significance to the likes of Grammaria. Many suspect, however, that Grammaria may finally be in for a shock.

- a lapse of judgement: a poor judgement

- disparaging remarks: unpleasant comments

- take a further sideswipe at: make a critical remark about one thing while talking about sth else


Jeremy is always full of harebrained schemes. I used to try to persuade him out of them but I've long since admitted defeat. It only increased my stress levels and it didn't make any differnce to his behaviour. Now, if I take exception to any of his ideas, I just bottle up my feelings and let him get on with it. But, if things get really bad, I give vent to my frustration by going to the gym and taking it out on the punch-bag.

From "English Collocations in Use" by Cambridge University Press.


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