I hereby collect new vocabularies and well thought out sentences extracted from GMAT Verbal Reading Comprehension & Critical Reasoning books.
- at its inception
Most stakeholders agree that the need for DHS is greater today than it was at its inception
- dampen sth: make sth less strong
- None of the setbacks could dampen her enthusiasm for the project
- mushroom (v): increase in small quantities over time
- Despite assurances to the contrary by the government around the world, the development of space as an arena of warfare is nearly certain, as military success often depends on not ceding the "high ground", of which outer space might be considered the supreme example
- Since the success of modern digital surveillance does not obviate the need for intelligence gathered via old-fasshioned human interaction, agencies chareg with counter-terrorism responsibilities must devote significant effort to planting and/or cultivating "assets"-that is, spies-within terroriest organizations that threaten the country
- conjecture (n): an opinion or idea that is not based on definite knowledge and is formed by guessing
- conjecture about/conjecture as to
- a matter for conjecture/open to conjecture
(also a verb)
- inflect (v): if a word inflects, its ending or spelling changes according to its grammatical function in a sentence; if a language inflects, it has words that do this
- Verbs inflect for tense and person
- Most languages of the world inflect
- crux (n): the most important or difficult part of a problem or an issue
- analogous to: similar
- the writer neither makes impassioned argument nor takes strong position
- impassioned (a): (usually of speech) showing strong feelings about something
- An impassioned plea/speech/defence
- He made an impassioned plea for the rebels to lay down their arms
- She wrote an impassioned letter to her local newspaper to complain about the new road
Syn: fervent (a)
- be less of A than B
- convince the reader of a debatable position
- adversarial (a): (especially of political or legal systems) involving people who are in opposition and who make attacks on each other
- be romanticized as
- romanticize (v): to make something seem more attractive or interesting than it really is
- A new sensibility, which views ...
- This view seems to have persisted until ...
- effective against severe depression ><
- remain the subject of numerous investigations
- employ an operation model
- everything else is secondary to this assertation
- plant a stake in the ground, asserting the importance of the topic ...
- undermine classic physics by failing to confirm ...
- pay the wave for
- be hypothesized
- avail itself of
- This has initiated a reexamination of many accepted theories of early human development
- Because of the proximity and likeness of Mars to Earth, ...
- In his own time, his contributions went largely unnoticed, in large part because he was excluded from ...
- Historians have long recognized the Japanese sword as one of the finest cutting weapons ever created. But to regard the sword that is synonymous with the samurai as merely a weapon is to ignore what makes it so special
- be perceived as
- crystalize (v): (of thoughts, plans, beliefs, etc.) to become clear and fixed; to make thoughts, beliefs, etc. clear and fixed
- Our ideas began to crystallize into a definite plan
- The final chapter crystallizes all the main issues
- be obligated to do sth
- staff cuts
- call into question the consultant criterion for selecting staff to be laid off
- ensure continuing promptness in handling claims
- the most capable staff
- prolonged spells of hot, dry weather at the end of the grape-growing season typically reduce a vineyard's yield
- the proximity of production to the vineyard
- the concern that plastic sleds are more dangerous is clearly borne out by the fact that ...
- archeologists hypothesize that ...
- in face of declining advertising sales
- so that sales representatives have a better understanding of businessess
- outside the scope of the question
- these complaints have no basis since the highway capacity has triples in the same period, whereas the number of cars registered has risen by only 75 percent
- automobile = car
- intermittenly stop and rest
- information that supports one hypohthesis must necessarily detract from the other
- they feed on fish that gather beneath thin sheets of floating ice & they nest on nearby land
- the bird's range was limited to the southernmost Arctic coast
- extended northward along the coast
- this claim is not undercut by the fact that = not justified, not supported
- grain consumption will not plunge
- the mountainous environment necessitates lifelong levels of rigorous physical activity that build a more robust population
- vehicular emissions
- launch a yearlong advertising campaign for its canned tuna
- the campaign did nothing to further the company's economic interests = made no contribution to the company's financial well-being
- inhumane practices that should be outlawed
- They were correct in their conviction that child labor is deplorable but shortsighted about the impact of child labor legislation on working-class families
- shutting off the engine and letting passengers off
- most buses simply pull over to the curb and leave the engine running
- increased competition between employers for employees with college degrees
- dispel negative rumors about the company's health
- evidently have faith in the bank's financial soundness, those worrisome rumors must be false.
- that halt will most likely jeopardize the safety of
- capricious (adj)
- credence: a quality that an idea or a story has that makes you believe it is true
Ex: Historical evidence lends credence to his theory.
- have risen up in armed revolt against
- have terrorized the region
- the choice stops short of mentioning that
- observations made of a particular natural phenomenon
- job segregation by sex in the United States was perpetuated by those textile-mill owners who argued in favor of women’s employment in wage labor
- emancipation of women wage earners from gender-determined job allocation
- The absence of any comparable increase in unionization among private-sector clerical workers, however, identifies the primary catalyst
- B can not get easier to spot
- In essence, it is just an assumption question.
- choice (e) severs this connection completely
- more practice and problem like these would be a breeze
- So it stands to reason that
- Those are different things and you should absolutely then be fixated on trying to find an answer that could show how
- So if you ever find yourself agonizing over whether a comma is used appropriately, look for other more concrete issues to use as decision points instead.
- The question at hand does not pertain to the percent of the population that smokes but the ability of the law to
- the patience of its customers strained to the breaking point
- the opposite pole to civilization
- tricky question exploiting vocab
- cities are stressing the arts as a means to greater economic development
- contigous (a): touching or next to something
Ex: The bruising was not contiguous to the wound.
- His nervousness was manifest to all those present
- The riots are clear manifestations of people’s discontent
- The symptoms of the disease manifested themselves 10 days later
- It's compelling evidence that
- animals weren't just running wild and happened to be killed in a forest fire
- Destroying means total annihilation and those plants cannot re-grow. Damage means they can regenerate.
- profits will likely dry up after the promotion
- the local manufacturer stays protected
- The foreign competition might drive the local manufacturers out of the market
- Why would they bring in the defense angle in its petition for import quotas
- The machine-tool industry encountered difficulty in obtaining governmental protection against imports on grounds other than defense